A short preview of Google Gadgets for Linux

About a year ago, Google released their desktop search called Google desktop for Linux. Since then they released some updates to Google Desktop adding support for 64 bit and more file fomats, but they left out one big feature of its Windows and Mac counterparts: Gadgets, mini-applications written in HTML and JavaScript. Today Google released …

Order free Hardy Heron CDs now

The upcoming Ubuntu release 8.04, codenamed “Hardy Heron” can be pre-ordered now. Ubuntu ShipIt is a service sponsored by Canonical where anyone can order Ubuntu CDs free of charge. This is especially useful for people with slow internet connections or restricted transfer volumes. So to everybody who can’t or doesn’t want to download the next …

First impressions of Adobe AIR for Linux

AIR (Adobe Integrated Runtime) is a platform that allows the creation of web applications and run them on the desktop alongside “classic” software. The Windows and Mac OS X version of AIR has been around for a while and today, Adobe released a first alpha version for us Linux users. The software isn’t available on …

Brainstorm: Submit and vote on ideas for Ubuntu

Ubuntu brainstorm is a new site for Ubuntu fans to vote on which issues should have the highest priority. Everybody is free to register and submit ideas. Then, one can vote on every entry, either adding or subtracting a vote. The site closely resembles Dell’s IdeaStorm, which incidentally contains a fair share of Ubuntu-related entries …

Amazing open source image resizing

Not long ago a video popped up on the internet show what was called “content-aware image resizing”. Everybody was amazed by this new technology. Now just a month later there is an open-source implementation and a free GIMP plugin to download. Here is an example of what can be accomplished with this software: Picture source: …

Valve hiring to port games to Linux?

A job offer for Senior Engineer that recently appeared on Valve’s website lists among other things the following responsibilty: Port Windows-based games to the Linux platform. If they really mean games and not game servers this might be a major breaking point for Linux gaming and Linux on the desktop in general. Valve’s Steam platform …